Category Archives: travel

Pickled bamboo

This here is a roadside stand located somewhere between Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai. You see stands like this all over the major roadways throughout Thailand selling whatever the local specialties are: from grilled pork to seasonal fruits to corn on the cob to rat (yep!…see here and here). The roadside vendors are a great […]

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Pig roast?

I like my food and I like meat. I figured I’d post these photos of something I miss here in Bangkok.  It’s strange that despite the massive amount of pork Thais enjoy eating, I have never encountered a good, old-fashioned pig roast.  I have on occasion seen a very large pig killed for a wedding […]

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Awesome dessert cheese

I have no idea what kind of cheese this is, but it was fabulous. It was served as a dessert at a decent restaurant in Italy. The cheese itself was very light and sweet, with a berry sauce on the side. I can barely get any cheese here in Asia, let alone these more unique […]

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Animal tongues in different cultures

Here’s a photo of a cow tongue being served in a nice, european restaurant.  Many people may think it’s quite strange or gross, but it’s actually a very tender and tasty cut of beef.  I posted this photo because it’s in stark contrast to one of the odd things I could post from Thailand.  What […]

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Gourmet rabbit

This is another European gourmet meal: rabbit.  It tasted quite good and seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary.  What is strange is the fact that I have never seen nor heard of Thais eating rabbit!  They seem to eat just about anything over here yet while I do see live rabbits around, they […]

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The most controversial soup around

This here is shark fin soup. I know it’s not a very politically correct soup, but as a purveyor of odd foods, I had to try it at least once. Despite its primarily Chinese origin and popularity, it is available all throughout Asia. it is very common in high class restaurants and around Chinatowns. We […]

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Long clams

We found these interesting looking clams in Kuala Lumpur.  I never saw them before and they tasted normal, although I was quite intrigued by the rectangular shape of their shells. Just to the left is some tasty fishhead curry.

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Where ant eggs come from

If anyone’s been wondering where they get those ant eggs that are used in several Isaan foods, then here you go. This photo is actually from Laos, but these ants are very common all over Southeast Asia. As you can see the red ants live in trees and kind of stick a few leaves together […]

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The tastiest part of the chicken is…

I just had to snap a photo of this snack from a roadside stand in Laos. It was somewhere between Luang Prabong and Vang Vien, to be specific. I’m not exactly sure what part of this is edible, but there they were, a couple trays full of them, all nicely bundled up. Unfortunately the photo […]

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Ain’t nothing like grilled frogs on a stick

Here’s a tasty snack found in Laos and some parts of Northeast Thailand. Quarter-sized grilled frogs on a stick.  These particular frogs were found on the riverside in Vientiane, where I might add that I also happened to find some of the best and cheapest grilled ribs I’ve ever had.  Pleasant surroundings, too, just sitting […]

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