Category Archives: travel

NattO, Maggot Cheese and Other Food That May Repel –

Real interesting article at the Wall Street Journal describing why cultures sometimes consider each others’ foods disgusting. After all, cheese is just “rotted ungulate bodily fluid” NattO, Maggot Cheese and Other Food That May Repel –

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Incredible India

Well, here’s a few memories from my trip to India. Now I have been to India before–it was almost exactly five years ago. After my previous two weeks in Mumbai and Goa, I moved on to Thailand and there was such a contrast that I had pretty much decided I had no need to ever […]

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Indonesia Photos

Here’s a few photos from Indonesia. Mostly from Bali since Jakarta basically has nothing worth taking a phot of. All in all a fun trip. Indonesia 2008

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Some photo albums.

Here’s one more post just to give some content. Two major photo albums are up so here they are: Vietnam and Thailand 2008 Europe 2007

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Chili beer!

Here’s a really interesting beer that I found in Hanoi as we were leaving.  I like beer, I like chilies, and it sounded quite strange so of course I had to buy it.  After purchasing, I was happily surprised to find a real chili (serrano I believe) floating inside.  I was even more surprised when […]

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Sea cucumber soup

Well, I just posted about  and now I had a chance to try them myself. Interesting, but I won’t be seeking them out again. This dish was at a fancy Chinese restaurant in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. First of all the texture wasn’t too appealing. A bit crunchy and a bit rubbery with some […]

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Here’s something plain but interesting. I think most of us have heard of tapioca, but maybe not had much experience with it. The only real experience I can recall is of tapioca pudding when I was younger. Anyway, here is the actual root in all it’s boring glory. This food is similar to a potato […]

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Vietnamese snails

Here are some snails we order in Ho Chi Minh City. An interesting food, but I’m not a big snail lover in the first place and these certainly did sway me. I suppose not too bad, but I always find snails a bit rubbery. Maybe I have just never had any good ones. Anyway, there […]

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Filipino blood soup

Another interesting food I happened to have in Hong Kong. Not Chinese at all, but due to the large number of Filipino workers their cuisine is quite common there. This item is dinuguan, which is essentially a stew of pork meat and pork blood. It’s the item in the cup there. The mess around it […]

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Balut, partly-developed eggs

Here’s a good one… balut. Partly-developed duck or chicken eggs, commonly eaten in the Philippines. They can also be found in Cambodia, Vietnam, and even in some parts of Thailand. These ones that I tasted were actually found in Hong Kong, but at a Filipino street restaurant. Anyway, on to the eggs. I think the […]

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