Tag Archives: thailand

Insect vendor

There’s never enough bugs for sale, is there? Here’s a typical insect vendor’s cart with all the bugs divided into neat little compartments. And of course, I had to get a closeup of the lovely maengda yet again.

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Duck beaks. Yep, they’re edible!

Here’s one that ranks up there with the strangest: grilled duck beaks (baak ped yang [ปากเป็ดย่าง]). This dish is usually eaten by Isaan folk when they need a snack during their drinking sessions.  The beaks are quartered when looking at them head on so each piecea is actually just one fourth of a beak.  The […]

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Dried, pressed squid

This is a tasty bar snack with the vendors peddling their wares from push carts while honking their horn to inform other potential customers that they are nearby. These vendors frequently congregate in nightlife areas as these snacks go great with beer. Sometimes you’ll even see a vendor standing outside of a bar serving customers […]

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More insects

Here we have (again!) some:  (miang mot daeng [เมี่ยงมดแดง])  (maengdaa [แมลงดา]) bamboo worms (rot duan [รถด่วน]). There name literally means train which sort of represents their shape.

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Beach vendor

This is a beach side vendor selling a variety of things.  He’ll spend all day in the hot sun walking up and down the beach carrying all that stuff trying to sell his wares.  The peanuts are the tasty, boiled kind. He’s also got some cookies, , and eggs. Also notice the  sticking out of […]

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The strangest Thai food of all

As interesting as Thai food is, sometimes it’s their take on Western food that is truly amazing. Not just amazing, but very, very weird. Now, admittedly we probably come up with some similar aberrations of Asian food back in the West. Even so, Pizza Hut is a perfect example of oddness. Honestly, this stuff is […]

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Gooseberries – mayom

In my yard there is a gooseberry.  These goosberries, called mayom [มะยม] in Thai, are quite common in Thailand. They are very sour, but still a popular snack as the Thais like to dip fruits (sweet or not) in sugar chili dips.  They grow quite abundantly on the tree as shown here is only a […]

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Fish kidney curry

Here’s a dish that might sound strange: fish kidney curry or แกงไตปลา [gaeng dtai bplaa]. A Southern Thai dish, it is usually spiced accordingly. In other words, it is extremely spicy. According to the Royal Thai Institute dictionary: TAI PLA ไตปลา (noun): word for the collection of organs in a fish’s abdomen of certain fish […]

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Jicama, part 2

I had a post about jicam before.  Here’s a nicer shot from a different occassion of the jicama found in Thailand.  Look at the other post for more details.

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Candied lotus root

Candied lotus roots is a snack especially popular among the Chinese community. These are fairly thick cross sections of lotus root that have been candied. Don’t ask me about the candying process; I’ll just let you know that they are very sweet and kind of like a gummi candy. I don’t really notice any lotus […]

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