Tag Archives: chicken

Thai surf n’ turf

You frequently see stands like this all over the countryside in Thailand. Oftentimes you will encounter a stretch of highway littered with ten or more of these stands in a row, each about 100 meters apart, and all waiting for a hungry customer to pull up. I often wonder how they could all make money […]

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Grilled chicken gizzards

This is a skewer of grilled chicken gizzards (sitting on top a bag of hot dogs, of course). Called gun gai yang [กึ๋นไก่ย่าง] in Thai, gizzards are a secondary stomach used by some animals to grind up food. They are actually quite a popular food throughout the world. I am actually very surprised this is […]

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Balut, partly-developed eggs

Here’s a good one… balut. Partly-developed duck or chicken eggs, commonly eaten in the Philippines. They can also be found in Cambodia, Vietnam, and even in some parts of Thailand. These ones that I tasted were actually found in Hong Kong, but at a Filipino street restaurant. Anyway, on to the eggs. I think the […]

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Beach vendor

This is a beach side vendor selling a variety of things.  He’ll spend all day in the hot sun walking up and down the beach carrying all that stuff trying to sell his wares.  The peanuts are the tasty, boiled kind. He’s also got some cookies, , and eggs. Also notice the  sticking out of […]

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Chicken feet revisited

Here’s some more chicken feet for you. Deep-fried ones. Look tasty, don’t they? You can read more about chicken feet in .

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Here’s a dish I didn’t really enjoy, a knew I wouldn’t enjoy, but still had to purchase it anyway simply for the photo value. This is literally chicken bits to the fullest extent. I am unsure what it’s called in Thai, so I just call it chicken insides (kruang nai gai [เครื่องในไก่]). If you look […]

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Undeveloped chicken eggs

The title of this post may be a bit deceiving.  Unhatched wouldn’t work because no egg is hatched. ‘Egg that hasn’t come out of the chicken yet’ doesn’t quite sound right.  Unborn wouldn’t work…or would it? Anyway, This is certainly one of the stranger dishes I’ve tried in my time over here. The taste is […]

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